Etoniah Creek State Forest
Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm
About Us
Etoniah Creek State Forest contains 8,879 acres of various natural communities. The forest was acquired as part of the Etoniah/Cross Florida Greenway Conservation and Recreation Lands (CARL) project. Etoniah Creek State Forest is named after Etoniah Creek, a stream that travels 2.5 miles through the eastern portion of the forest. The forest is managed by the Florida Forest Service under the multiple-use management concept so as to restore, protect and manage ecosystem functions while allowing compatible public uses.
Recreational activities in the forest include hiking, fishing, hunting, nature study, wildlife viewing and photography. There is a designated trail for horseback riding, a 10-mile loop that traverses the east and west sides of Holloway Road.
- HIking
- Fishing
- Nature Viewing